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Time Series and Trend Analysis
This is to document the time series analysis tools that may be used in the assessment.

Theil Mehod is used to determine statistically significant trends of visibility and major aerosol chemical components in IMPROVE sites with long-term (e.g. > 10 years) monitoring data.

An excel macro is developed to do the trend analysis. To run the trend analysis macro, right click the link and choose "Save Target As..." to save the excel file in your computer; Enter any time series of the data in sheet1 of the excel file as shown in the example; Push the "Trend Analysis" button on the bottom left of sheet1. The analysis will be done and the results, including the slope, S-Value and P-Value, will be outputted to sheet1.

The slope (units/year) indicates the overall trend of the time series of the data (positive indicates increase and negative indicates decrease). The cumulative probabilities (P-Value) are calculated based on the S-Value and the Kendall's Tau statistics, and used as significance criterion for trend evaluation. In EPA 1997 National Air Quality Trends Report, a 5% P-Value has been chosen as the significance criterion (if P-Value < 5%, the trend is considered statistically significant).   

Trends Analysis for 20% Best Days

Trends Analysis for Middle 60% Days

Trends Analysis for 20% Worst Days

Total Aerosol Extinction

Total Aerosol Extinction

Total Aerosol Extinction

Ammonium Sulfate Extinction

Ammonium Sulfate Extinction

Ammonium Sulfate Extinction

Ammonium Nitrate Extinction

Ammonium Nitrate Extinction

Ammonium Nitrate Extinction

OC Extinction

OC Extinction

OC Extinction

EC Extinction

EC Extinction

EC Extinction

Fine Soil Extinction

Fine Soil Extinction

Fine Soil Extinction

Coarse Mass Extinction

Coarse Mass Extinction

Coarse Mass Extinction

Trends Analysis for the following individual sites can be found at the site page


Badlands National Park BADL1

Lassen Volcanic National Park LAVO1

Bandelier National Monument BAND1

Mesa Verde National Park MEVE1

Bryce Canyon National Park BRCA1

Mount Rainier National Park MORA1

Bridger Wilderness BRID1

Petrified Forest National Park PEFO1

Canyonlands National Park CANY1

Pinnacles National Monument PINN1

Chiricahua National Monument CHIR1

Point Reyes National Seashore PORE1

Denali National Park DENA1

Redwood National Park REDW1

Gila Wilderness GICL1

Rocky Mountain National Park ROMO1

Glacier National Park GLAC1

San Gorgonio Wilderness SAGO1

Great Basin National Park GRBA1

Sequoia National Park SEQU1

Great Sand Dunes National Monument GRSA1

Tonto National Monument TONT1

Indian Gardens INGA1

Weminuche Wilderness WEMI1

Jarbidge Wilderness JARB1

Yosemite National Park YOSE1


8 Year Trends

16 Year Trends